Womans Beauty Secrets 2010: 1/24/10 - 1/31/10 Share

Saturday, January 30, 2010

ingrown hairs

Alot of people suffer from the odd ingrown hair ,these can be easily removed by showering in warm water or holding a warm cloth over the area then sterilise tweezers and pull the hair out sometimes you may need to squeeze to pop the hair out first .
on the other hand some men and woman suffer fom the all of the time in large areas ie the legs , if the skin is bumpy and red it may be follicolitis this is inflamation of the follical , if you want to try to get rid of this take my advice and take a break from shaving and waxing to let the hair grow out for longer , try shaving instead of waxing as this can damage the inflamed area more . I know its expensive but only use your rasor three times any more then this scratches the skin thus inflaming the area and aggrivating it further more ,
so take a break for as long as you can , have a long shower or bath before shaving ALWAYS as this softens the hair , exfoliate at the beginning of your shower and a minute or two before you get out shave with a new blade , always apply tea tree oil or antiseptic to red or inflamed areas to stop infection and apply plenty of moisturiser to the skin .
if you stick to this you should see a big improvement .

Safe removal of black heads

We all struggle from time to time with unwanted blackheads . heres i will explain the safest way to remove them without harming the skin .this same rule goes for white heads .
black heads are simply sebum (sweat) that clogs the pores and solidifies,thus making it hard to remove them .
One way is to get a large bowl of boiled water ,if doing this make sure it is on a safe high surface hold a towel over your head and bend your head over the bowl allowing the steam to hit your face for a few minutes . this can be a bit uncomforatable for some people as the steam goes up your nose and everywhere but if you can do it its the easiest way . leave your face over the steam for about 5 minutes. or stand in the bathroom with a sink full of hot water ,get a clean face cloth and hold over the area for a few minutes then rinse cloth and do the same again ,this can be done a number of times if needs be .
after you have steamed and patted your face for about 5 minutes wrap tissue around your index fingers on each hand and simply put one finger on each side of the black heads and push the fingers together ,you should see them pop out easily ,if after a minute or two they start to get stiff again simple steam or pat your face again for another few minutes and try again.try not to keep going over the same spot if it doesnt come out move onto another one and try the others again the next day . also you can do the same motion with cotton buds if the black heads are in an awquard place i.e the folds of the nose .
applying some tea tree oil afterwards can help clean out the pores as it is an anteseptic but dont worry if you dont have any .
THE RULE HERE IS TO STOP AFTER A FEW MINUTES and try again the next day ,dont keep pulling at the skin as this will swell and may turn into a pimple or scab if you tear or break skin .

Friday, January 29, 2010

scaly blotchy arms ?

so many woman suffer with dry patches of skin on there arms usually on the tops and around the shoulders,tan clumps around these patches and in some cases they stay white in the sun and stand out like a sore thumb , there is a name for this and it is pitiriasis versicolour ( a fungal infection on the skin ) not serious and can easily be treated . go to your chemist and buy nisoral dandruff shampoo this is the only product on the market that has the ingredient to get rid of this fungal infection apart from tablets , simply use this as your shower gel on the arms every day for a week then once weekly o use at night as a cream and wash the next day
one of the causes for this is shampoos having too many chemicals try using natural shampoos this is why the patches usually form around the tops of the arms shoulders and back as it is the lenght of your hair
another MAJOR cause for this and i know because i have had it myself is from using sunshimmer instant tan , so many girls i know use it and have this problem ,so if you do STOP and go for sally hansen instead .
once i completely stopped using sunshimmer for good not even using it once every now and then ,the patches completely dissapeared and never came back , this is something i suffered with and felt consious of for years .stay away from any dove products also as these clog the pores and can take up to 5 months to leave the skin .

bring life back to your skin

Vitamin C as we all know is great for revitalising the skin it revives dull lifesless skin and makes it brighter and gives it a natural radiant glow .
simply go to your health store and buy pure vitamin c capsules . every night before bed burst a capsule with a pin this way the vitamin c is fresh evertime , apply all over the face and leave for the whole night , then rince the next morning .
for optimum results use as part as your daily routine after you cleanse the skin .
best of luck!!

healing acne scars naturally

There are so many products sold over the counter ,some cost a fortune but go back to basics and natural remedys and see the difference in your skin .
purchase pure vitamin E capsules from your health store (not vitamin E oil ) as this can lose its goodness everytime it is opened . if it is in a capsule you have it fresh everytime ,simple wash your face as normal pin a hole in a capsule and apply all over the face at night when going to bed .rince in the morning .Vitamin E is renowned for its natural and powerful healing and repair propertys.this can take time as with anything so make it part of your routine daily .

painful tweezing eyebrows?

now i have an easy solution , have a baby ? maybe not but you can buy bongela in your local pharmacy for 4 euros and this will last you months , simply apply a little bongela over the eyebrows and leave for a minute or two .... THEN TWEEZE till your hearts content . no pain at all .

for those of you who dont know bongela is a gel used for numbing babies gums when teething .

keep your natural colour and prevent going grey

this method gradually bring s your natural hair colour back if used correctly ,
firstly simmer a half a cup of dries sage and two cups of water for half an hour ,leave the mixture soaking for several hours ,apply all over cthe hair and leave until it has all dried in ,rince and dry ,do this weekly until you have reached the desired shade,then monthly to maintain your colour ,
you can also make sage and rosemary tea by doing the same as above and leave mixture in the fridge ,strain pour into a spray bottle and spray on the grey areas leaving or massaging in for ten minutes then wash hair as normal .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

quick and easy hair treatment

the price of hair treatments breaking the bank ? you need not worry about it anymore ,so many of these treatments contain alcohol (i know ) this dries out the hair further so below is a cholesterol mask for fantastic shiny soft hair .

If you have a dryer GREAT if not put two towels on a hot radiator ,then grab some mayonnaise from the fridge and massage it all over your hair ,once massaged in thoroughly wrap cling film around your head to prevent dripping ,after you have done this take a hot towel from the dryer or radiator and wrap in around your hair for ten minutes ,then add the other towel and leave for another ten minutes ,shampoo and rinse as normal .

do this once a month to keep a beautiful shine on your hair , if you have very damaged hair you can do this once a week ,and if your hair is naturally oily just apply to the ends of the hair .

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

easy effective body scrub

scrubs are used for removing dead dry skin cells to reveal new fresh ones , scrubbing can also help improve cellulite and fine line's over time .

half cup of sugar
about 8 tablespoons of honey
simply mix the sugar with the honey and add honey untill it is a paste like solution , this can be kept in a jar for use again .
when you use your scrub ,dampen skin on the body step away from the shower head so that the mixture does not get wet as this will dissolve the sugar , rub into the skin in circular motions and rinse .
you will immediatly notice a big difference in your skin ,it will be softer and refreshed

Aspirin face mask

how does this work
Aspirin is a form of beta hydroxy acids which are found in many face creams BHA works by exfoliating the skin removing the dull layers of dry skin to reveal new fresh skin ,over time BHA can dramatically improve blemishes and skin tone .
If you are allergic to aspirin do not use this and if you are allergic the BHA'S or have really sensitive skin .

dissolve two dissolvable aspirin in a table spoon of warm water ,apply mixture to the skin avoiding eyes allow to dry for about ten minutes and gently massage into the skin in circular motions ,this should feel like exfoliating ,once you have done the whole face rince off with tepid water and pat dry .
make sure you apply moisturiser afterwards as BHA'S can be drying on the skin .

recession busting home made treatments

natural teeth whitening

As we all know many teeth whitening products are either too harsh ,dont work or too expensive so here are some recipes for success to get the bright smaile you ve always wanted using simple ingredients that you have lying around the house .strawberrys and baking soda

simply mash strawberry and a little sprinkle a little baking soda for more intense whitening ,apply to your toothbrush and brush as normal ,leave for ten minutes and rince with water , about 15 minutes later brush your teeth thoroughly as if the strawberry acid is left on the teeth for too long this can damage teeth over time .baking soda can also be used mixed  with  white vinegar , the same routine applies .